Free Trial
MediaLab offers a 30-day free trial to interested customers. This gives your organization the opportunity to determine if our products will meet your needs. We guarantee they will! Please contact our sales team at to set up this trial for your organization.
Once your organization joins the MediaLab community, our experts will work with your team to ensure a successful launch. Through a series of meetings with you and your team, a MediaLab specialist will guide you through the steps to move your organization onto a digitized cloud-based platform that is available 24/7.
Journey to Success
When your kickoff is set up, a MediaLab specialist will send you a series of kickoff documents. These documents will help you gather the right information to make the kickoff most effective and get you on your way to moving your laboratory/organization onto a digitized platform.
Premium Support vs Basic Support
All MediaLab subscriptions include unlimited basic support by phone and email. If your laboratory would benefit from additional guidance and support from a dedicated representative, you can choose to subscribe to
Premium Support. This is recommended for new clients in their first subscription year. Subscriptions to Premium Support are annual and can be renewed or discontinued each year.