Exam Simulators

Exam Simulator for MLS & MLT

Unlimited access to over 5,000 questions with feedback to help students prepare for the ASCP, AMT, and AAB certification exams, delivered as computer-adaptive tests simulating the real exams or subject-area reviews.

NSH + LabCE Histology Exam Simulator (HT & HTL)

Developed in partnership with the National Society for Histotechnology (NSH), the Histology Exam Simulator includes over 2,000 questions to help students prepare for HT and HLT certification exams.

Phlebotomy Exam Simulator

Over 800 questions with feedback to help students prepare for phlebotomy certification exams from ASCP, AMT, NCCT, NHA, and more.

Molecular Exam Simulator

Unlimited access to over 1,200 questions with feedback to help students prepare for the Technologist in Molecular Biology, MB(ASCP) and Molecular Diagnostics Technologist, MDT(AMT) certification exams, simulating the real exams or subject-area reviews.

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