Simulator Description
The Bacteriology Case Simulator showcases 49 organisms common to the clinical setting. Both aerobic and anaerobic species are included. Students will describe colony morphology, review Gram stains using the virtual microscope, logically assemble testing pathways, and interpret biochemical testing to confirm identification. They will use the split-screen view to compare organisms or simultaneously display the resource-rich interactive identification flow chart. At the conclusion of each case, users can watch videos in which clinical instructors describe the interpretative and critical thinking processes of identifying each organism.
Hundreds of Plate Colonies
The Bacteriology Case Simulator takes you through a real-life tour of incubated plates by simulating the actual experience of the evaluating technologist. Several angles of the plate will help users identify form, elevation, margin, color, and any special characteristics for the colonies. A color scale will guide interpretation. Viewing the back of the plate will aid in determining hemolysis.
Virtual Microscopy for Gram Stain Analysis
The Simulator's virtual microscope lets users explore a Gram stain slide just as they would on a laboratory microscope. Survey the stain at low power, then switch to 50x or 100x for detail. A built-in focus feature allows you to sharpen your view of the individual cocci or bacilli. A measurement scale will aid in determining the size of the organism. Users will be required to identify the Gram stain, microscopic morphology, organism size, and any special characteristics. This simulator showcases clusters, branching, diplococci, palisades, and more.
Visualized Results of Biochemical Tests
This simulator will require that users logically assemble testing pathways based on their observations of the colonies and the Gram stain. As a user chooses a test or observation (e.g. Catalase test, Spore Formation observation), the reaction is visualized with an image or video. Users must identify if the reaction was positive or negative, or whatever response is appropriate. Users are notified if they choose the test out of order or incorrectly. During review, users can see all of the possible testing pathways.
Interactive Flow Chart
The simulator features an interactive flow chart in which users can learn more about the biochemical tests and follow pathways to specific organisms. Users can click on the test name to learn more about that test as well as see images or videos presenting positive and negative reactions. Users can click on the organisms to view their plates, Gram stain, and additional information.
Side-by-Side Viewer for Organism Comparison
Users will have access to a side-by-side viewer that allows them to place two organisms next to each other for comparing plates and Gram stains. Users can also place an organism alongside the interactive flow chart.
Ideal for All Medical Laboratory Students and Professionals
The Simulator is the perfect tool to hone the skills of everyone interested in bacteriology identification. This includes medical laboratory science students, medical students, experienced medical laboratory professionals, resident physicians, and pathologists.
Curated by Experts
Each case has been assembled and peer-reviewed by a panel of experts from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. At the conclusion of each case, users will access a video summary. Experts from the LSU Health Sciences Center review the case, pointing out important morphological features and working through more difficult biochemical pathways for identification. Each video lasts 3 ? 6 minutes.